Cajun Dancing
Two-step your way across the dance floor to lively Cajun music

Nobody cooks like a Louisiana Cajun – in the kitchen or on the dance floor. And you’d be mistaken if you thought you’d have to venture into the country to find an authentic Cajun dance party. It’s called a fais do do (fey doh doh) and nowadays, you can move and groove with the best here in the big city. New Orleans is full of Boudreauxs, Landrys, Heberts and Terrebonnes who were taught how to dance by French-speaking grandparents in bayou country. And here’s the best part: Most love nothing better than to show you how it’s done, cher. Check out one of the Cajun dance halls listed below. Before you know it, you’ll be two-stepping your way around the dance floor to songs with French lyrics, laughing and hooting and hollering with the fun crowd. Even if you don’t understand the words, you’ll find the music speaks to something deep inside of you.