Fulton Street

Pedestrian mall offers places to relax and enjoy the city

Little more than a nondescript collection of century-old brick mercantile warehouses, Fulton Street transformed in the mid-1980s when a portion of it was included within the boundary of the New Orleans World's Fair. Housing several popular exposition attractions, including the Italian Village, the fair provided the catalyst for a revival of the city's Warehouse District, of which Fulton Street is a part.


Today a one-block section of Fulton Street, between Poydras and Lafayette streets, is a pedestrian-only outdoor mall. Restaurants and pubs fronting on the new Fulton Street Mall provide outdoor tables where patrons can relax, enjoy a meal and a cocktail and perhaps even enjoy one of the many special events held there, including live music concerts. Fulton Alley is part happy hour, part bowling alley. 

Grand Isle Restaurant - Fulton Street
Grand Isle Restaurant - Fulton Street

During the Christmas Holiday Season, the Fulton Street Mall is the site of one of the city's most popular outdoor lighting displays. Live and recorded music fills the air, simulated snowflakes trickle down on visitors and Santa is out there every day – rain or shine or even on those rare occasions when REAL snow actually does fall. 

Fulton Alley
Fulton Alley