New Orleans Class Reunions
Throw the best class reunion in New Orleans. We can help you find a venue, food, and things to do.
If you’re organizing your elementary or high school reunion – or went to college in New Orleans and are in charge of getting the old crowd together – New Orleans & Company has the tools you need to throw a party worthy of your New Orleans roots. Whether you still live in town or have moved away, we make it easy to find venues and caterers, plan special group activities and more.
The professional staff of New Orleans & Company is eager to assist you with your reunion. Allow us to help you save time and money by distributing your requirements to vendors and hotels that will make your New Orleans reunion truly memorable.
Class Reunions
Venue Search
From cozy and quaint to grand, New Orleans has meeting spaces for any event.
New Orleans celebrates all year round with festivals, concerts, music shows, second lines and parades. Click here to see the New Orleans events calendar.
Brochure Request
You and your group will know NOLA like a pro with your free New Orleans Brochure.
New Orleans has travel itineraries for every type of traveler. Is food your thing? What about architecture? Whatever you want, we've got a schedule for you. Find…
Things to do
Famous New Orleans Restaurants
New Orleans, a world class dining destination, is home to many legendary eating establishments.
Festivals And Events
Every weekend, every weekday, night and day, there is something to do in New Orleans for anyone and everyone. Have a look.
Streets to Visit
New Orleans streets, named for saints and French Royals, have as much history as live oak trees. Click here to learn about the streets of New Orleans.