Media Contacts:
Ed Costello
(412) 232-3444
Erica Papillion
A&WMA’s Annual Conference & Exhibition in New Orleans Uniquely Tied to New Orleans’ Post-Katrina Recovery
Pittsburgh, PA (April 20, 2006)-The Air & Waste Management Association’s 99th Annual Conference & Exhibition, to be held in New Orleans June 20-23, 2006, will not only mark the full return of conference business to the city, but it will do so with a program uniquely tied to the post-Katrina waste management challenges faced throughout the Gulf Coast Region.
With 3,000 of the world’s leading environmental experts in attendance – in addition to the typical focus of approximately 160 sessions covering a diverse range of air pollution, environmental management, and waste issues – the conference will feature a special session on the waste management responses to Hurricane Katrina, focusing on the analysis, transportation, disposal, and cleanup of debris and potentially contaminated soil and sediment. Papers will address environmental readiness to aid in responses to future natural disasters.
“The Air & Waste Management Association remains excited about the opportunity to meet in New Orleans,” said Association President Peter F. Hess, P.E., DEE, QEP. “Despite the devastation caused by last year’s Hurricane Katrina, the city has taken impressive steps down the long path to recovery. The cleanup presents a unique opportunity for the conference program to closely examine the air quality and waste management challenges faced by the Gulf Coast region – and hopefully to find solutions to aid in recovery.”
“Representatives from the city and the Convention & Visitors Bureau have been extremely responsive as we’ve prepared for this conference,” said William J. Palermo, P.E., Chair of the conference’s Local Host Committee. “We are proud to help usher in the rebirth of New Orleans’ convention and tourism business.”
Adrianne Carolla, Executive Director of the Association, added, “In recognition of the hard work and dedication shown by the Association’s Local Host Committee, as well as our confidence in the New Orleans Metropolitan Convention & Visitors Bureau and city leaders, we anticipate a highly successful experience for everyone involved.”
“Air & Waste Management Association was one of the first large conventions to recommit to New Orleans for 2006, having made their decision the first of October, 2005,” said Kitty Ratcliffe, executive vice president of the New Orleans Metropolitan Convention & Visitors Bureau (NOMCVB). “Their staff and leadership portrayed utmost professionalism in their process and their members have contributed greatly to the recovery of this magnificent city. We are excited to welcome them here in June.”
For more information, call A&WMA at 1-412-232-3444, or visit the conference Web site at
For more information about the current status of the City of New Orleans, please visit
About the New Orleans Metropolitan Convention & Visitors Bureau (NOMCVB)
Since 1960, the New Orleans Metropolitan Convention & Visitors Bureau ( has been the driving force behind New Orleans' most important industry, attracting $4.9 billion to the region annually. Nationally recognized for superior customer service, NOMCVB represents over 1,200 members and provides convention services and visitor information for business travelers and vacationers. In 2004, the NOMCVB welcomed a record-breaking 10.1 million visitors to one of America's favorite meeting and leisure destinations. The NOMCVB is committed to rebuilding the city of New Orleans.
About the Air & Waste Management Association (A&WMA)
The Air & Waste Management Association (A&WMA) is a not-for-profit, nonpartisan professional organization that provides training, information, and networking opportunities to thousands of environmental professionals in 65 countries.