Ariana Tipper
Faubourg Lafayette Neighborhood Association
(504) 920-1718
The Faubourg Lafayette Neighborhood Association is happy to announce a celebration of the historic, residential charm of the neighborhood with the third Faubourg Lafayette Historic Home Tour on November 15th. This nationally recognized central city historic district is home to many architectural gems, eight of which will be showcased on the tour including one designed by Henry Howard. The self guided walking tour with map is being planned with support from the Preservation Resource Center.
The tour begins at the OCH Art Market / Church Alley coffee bar where visitors can stop in and pick up their maps and home buying information. The Preservation Research Center will be on site providing a history of the neighborhood plus information on tax credits and other financial incentives to purchase and to renovate in the neighborhood. A full listing of all properties for sale in the area will also be available. The tour is free and open to all. Two dollar donations are accepted for the costs of the tour maps.
The Faubourg Lafayette section of Central City is bounded by St. Charles Ave. , Simon Bolivar, Clio and Jackson Avenues and is one of the first neighborhoods of New Orleans. Dryades (Oretha C. Haley Blvd.) and Nayades ( St. Charles Ave.), both named after Greek nymphs were two of New Orleans' first commercial corridors.
The neighborhood is currently experiencing an economic boom and many of the businesses playing a part in the recovery will have their doors open as points of interest including; Tasseology coffeeshop, Jack and Jakes' public market, CANO, Blue Bag, The Gallery at 1427 OCH, Southern Food and Beverage Museum, Trifigura Bike Shop, Cafe Reconcile, Casa Borrega, Ashe, Tulane City Center, Adrian's Bakery, and The McKenna African American Museum. The tour is a great way to see first hand all the exciting activity that is taking place in this formerly targeted economic recovery zone.
The tour will be happening in conjunction with two fun neighborhood events; the annual Central City Festival and the monthly OCH Art Market. The Central City Fest will be blocking off OC Haley Blvd. to create a street mall on OC Haley from Felicity to Terpsichore, setting up a stage and bringing in live music and many diverse food and crafts vendors. The OCH Art Market, at 1618 OC Haley, which is the home base for the tour, will provide shopping opportunities from local entrepreneurs including hand made arts and crafts, vintage clothing, jewelry, fine arts and more).
Prospect 3 has three exhibits on O.C. Haley Blvd. that will be on the map and open and for viewing including an outdoor installation at Divine Community Altar. (1220 OC Haley Blvd.), at ASHE (1700 O.C. Haley Blvd) and at C.A.N.O. (1301 O.C. Haley Blvd).
Central City has also seen a surge in its community gardens, of which six will be on the tour and staffed with growers to explain their missions and Fall crops.
November is a great month to celebrate living in New Orleans. Come celebrate in one of New Orleans' most historic and up and coming neighborhoods.