Media Contact:
Aislinn Hinyup
WYES Promotion Manager
(504) 838-‐0364
New Orleans, LA - December 28, 2016 - WYES invites Mardi Gras fans everywhere to enjoy a behind-‐the-‐scenes look at the unique Rex and Orpheus crews' dens. The WYES ROYAL REX DEN TOUR will be held on Saturday, January 28, 2017 from 10:00 a.m. to noon. The location will be given at time of ticket purchase through WYES-‐TV. Only open to the public on special occasions, the Rex Den will offer guests a close-‐up view of the crew's floats and memorabilia. Creating each year's Rex Procession is a creative and technical process from the design sketches to the finished floats. This is your chance to learn more about The School of Design. The $40 donation also includes a guided tour and light refreshments.
Enjoy a festive look at one of the city's super krewe's during the WYES ORPHEUS DEN TOUR on Saturday, February 11 from 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. at Mardi Gras World. Noted for its elaborate float designs, intricate decorations and innovative themes, the Krewe of Orpheus which was founded by Harry Connick Jr. and Captain Sonny Borey in 1993 has an inclusive organization open to all. Learn how they pick themes, design their floats, secure celebrity monarchs and coordinate the creation of their gigantic parade and elaborate Orpheus capade super party! The $40 ticket price also includes a guided tour and light refreshments.
Book tickets to both the REX and ORPHEUS DEN TOURS at the same time and receive a $10 discount (both tours for $70 per person). Limited reservations in advance only. To book your tickets and to learn more about the WYES REX DEN TOUR and WYES ORPHEUS DEN TOUR call 504-‐486-‐5511.
About WYES:
For almost 60 years, WYES have worked to inform, teach, illuminate, entertain and inspire our entire community. It is the oldest public television station serving southeast Louisiana and the Mississippi Gulf Coast, the 12th oldest in the nation, and the most utilized non-‐profit organization in our two states with as many as a half-‐million people using our broadcasts, outreach activities and website each week. We are proud to be part of the nation's largest classroom, the largest stage for the arts and a trusted window to the world. For more information, call (504) 486-‐5511 or Like us on Facebook at wyes.neworleans. Follow us on Twitter @WYESTV.