Media Contact:
Viola T. Johnson Blunt

NEW ORLEANS, LA; March 21, 2017 - William Snowden, a criminal defense attorney with The Juror Project, is scheduled to make a presentation and hold a discussion about the importance of diversifying juror pools, Monday, March 27th, 6 p.m. at Ashe Cultural Arts Center, 1721 Oretha Castle Haley Blvd. in New Orleans. The event is free and open to the public.

The Juror Project addresses the subject of juror exclusion by presenting evidence that the lack of representation on juries is driven by a strategic exclusion of minorities during the selection process. He offers that many citizens are denied the opportunity to make a difference in the criminal justice process due to a lack of their understanding of how responses during voir dire lead to rejection for "legal cause." Further, many avoid jury duty as they see it as a waste of their time.

The Juror Project aims to change the makeup of juries to better represent the American population and the communities most commonly accused. The organization pursues this through community and public education about jury eligibility and the jury selection process. Through proper education, jurors will understand the power they hold in America's high-stakes criminal justice system.
For more information, call (504) 569-9070.
