On The World from the Side of the Moon-a #1 debut on the Billboard Rock Album chart-Phillips channels his soulful spirit into acoustic-driven rock with an earthy yet high-energy sound. Produced by Gregg Wattenberg (Train, O.A.R.) and praised by Rolling Stone as "full of sweeping verses and uplifting power-pop hooks," the album is mainly comprised of tracks written or co-written by Phillips over the past few years. Along with revealing his easy warmth as a songwriter, The World from the Side of the Moon showcases the dynamic guitar work Phillips has cultivated through careful studying of legends like Eric Clapton and Stevie Ray Vaughan.
Released the same day that Phillips claimed his American Idol victory, "Home" marked the most successful coronation song of any Idol winner-as well as the highest-ever debut on the Billboard Digital songs chart, with 278,000 downloads sold. On The World from the Side of the Moon, "Home" joins tracks that shift from moody meditations ("Man on the Moon") to hushed ballads ("Tell Me a Story") to dance-worthy rave-ups ("Get Up Get Down") to sing-along-ready anthems ("Can't Go Wrong").
Tickets for Phillip Phillips ($49.50) go on sale Friday, August 22nd at Noon at the Saenger Theatre box office, ticketmaster.com or by calling 800-745-3000. All tickets subject to applicable service charges and fees.
For more information, please visit phillipphillips.com and mahaliajacksontheater.com. Or connect with us on Facebook (facebook.com/MahaliaNola) and Twitter (@MahaliaNOLA).