For Immediate Release:
Media Contact:

C. Lynn Kirby
Phone: 504-287-4250
Cell: 405-788-6933

New Orleans Spring Fiesta 80th Anniversary Season

March 5 to 13, 2016

New Orleans Spring Fiesta Association celebrates the cultural heritage and architecture of the city with its 80th Spring Fiesta during the first two weekends of March, beginning March 5th and ending March 13th. We offer two wonderful tour experiences to visitors, a Promenade, a parade, and lunch at New Orleans favorite, Antoines' Restaurant. Our guests have the opportunity to learn about the history, elegance, and mystery of the French Quarter, the Vieux Carré, through guided tours and to view "What is Behind those Mysterious Shutters?" by joining us on a self-guided tour of private homes not ordinarily open to the public. Rooms in the homes are available for viewing as well as the beautiful spring flowers in the courtyards.

Weekend I - Saturday March 5

French Quarter History, Guided Walking Tour I begins at our Vieux Carré Headquarters at 826 St. Ann Street at 9:00 to 11:00am.

Weekend I - Sunday March 6

French Quarter History, Guided Walking Tour II begins at our Vieux Carré Headquarters at 826 St. Ann Street at 9:00 to 11:00am.

Brunch at Antoine's Prior to the afternoon tour a Brunch is available at world famous Antoine's Restaurant at 11:30am. Advance reservations are required by Friday afternoon March 4th. Special dietary considerations should be communicated with the reservation. Proper attire is required.

French Quarter Home Tour II is self-guided from 1:00-4:00pm so that guests can stay as long as they like in the various homes.

Weekend II: Saturday March 12

French Quarter History, Guided Walking Tour III begins at our Vieux Carré Headquarters at 826 St. Ann Street at 9:00 to 11:00am.

The highlight of Saturday is the Promenade through Jackson Square and presentation of the Spring Fiesta Queen and her Court at 2:45pm. At 4:30pm the The Spring Fiesta Parade begins. The Queen and her Court slowly make their way through the Vieux Carré in horse drawn carriages showering her subjects with flowers.

Weekend II: Sunday March 13

French Quarter History, Guided Walking Tour IV begins at our Vieux Carré Headquarters at 826 St. Ann Street at 9:00 to 11am.

French Quarter Home Tour II is self-guided from 1:00-4:00pm so that guests can stay as long as they like in the various homes.

The tickets for the Walking Tours are $15 for advance purchase and $20 at the door. The tickets for the Home Tours are $25 for advance purchase and $30 at the door. The Brunch & Home Tour ticket are $80, advanced purchase only. Any special dietary requests for the Brunch should be submitted at the time of booking the Brunch. The deadline for Brunch Tickets is Friday March 11th.

Please see for information and reservations. Advance tickets may be purchased online at or at the Spring Fiesta House, 826 St. Ann St. the day of the event. We can be reached through

