Media Contacts:
Kelly Schulz or Tara Letort (CVB)
New Orleans Secures the Society of Government Meeting Professionals’ 2012 Annual Meeting
CVB develops new marketing initiatives, geared specifically toward government meeting professionals
NEW ORLEANS – May 17, 2010 – The New Orleans CVB was awarded the Society of Government Meeting Professionals (SGMP) Annual Meeting, which will bring almost 1,000 members to New Orleans in the spring of 2012. This meeting not only showcases the city to those involved in planning and working with government meetings, but also as a future destination for government meetings being planned by SGMP members.
SGMP, the only national organization in the United States dedicated exclusively to government meetings with 31 chapters and nearly 4,000 members, will celebrate its 30th anniversary in New Orleans. The government market continues to meet even in slow times and from 2006-2009, New Orleans hosted 631 government meetings, each yielding rave reviews from planners and attendees alike.
“I cannot think of a better venue to blend education and celebration of SGMP’s 30th anniversary, than the City of New Orleans,” says Charles Sadler, SGMP Executive Director and CEO. “All of the local community partners played a vital role in our decision to be in New Orleans in 2012…our members can’t wait!”
The Louisiana Chapter of SGMP has been very active since its chartering in March 2007, increasing from 45 to currently 71 state, federal and hospitality members that includes the team that was instrumental in working with SGMP headquarters to secure the business. The local SGMP chapter is comprised of Carolyn Barrett, National Second Vice President and 2008 Sam Gilmer Supplier of the Year; and Fay Nedd, Senior Sales Professional based in New Orleans. Nedd has earned the Certified Government Meeting Professional (CGMP) designation, along with two other members in the Louisiana Chapter.
“I am so excited that the 2012 SGMP National Educational Conference will be held in New Orleans,” says Carolyn Barrett, CHSP, CHSC, Second Vice President, National Board & member of the Louisiana Chapter. “2012 is SGMP's 30th anniversary and the local Louisiana SGMP chapter will be celebrating its fifth anniversary. SGMP offers the best education anywhere for government meeting planners as well as the suppliers that work with them and I know 2012 will be the biggest and best conference we have hosted.”
To take it a step further, the CVB has launched a government microsite, a mini-website dedicated and customized to target the government meeting industry. From per diem rates to online Request for Proposal (RFP) options, the microsite is an all-in-one customized site that allows meeting planners the opportunity to see that New Orleans understands how to host government meetings. It also offers a direct conversion process making it easy on planners to choose New Orleans as their meeting destination.
The New Orleans CVB is the driving catalyst for New Orleans’ largest industry, strategically leading national and international marketing, public relations and visitor services efforts that attract millions of visitors, events, conventions and festivals. Consistently recognized as one of the top five CVBs in the country, the New Orleans CVB is celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2010. For more information, please visit
SGMP is a nonprofit professional organization of persons involved in planning government meetings, either on a full or part-time basis, and those individuals who supply services to government planners. Our objectives are to improve the quality and promote the cost effectiveness of government meetings by improving the knowledge and expertise of individuals in the planning and management of government meetings through education, training and industry relationships.