New Orleans & Company Convention Sales & Services Team Wins Multiple Awards from Trade Industry Publications 
Awards were voted on by readers, meeting planners and associations 

New Orleans & Company’s Convention Sales & Services Team is often recognized by trade magazines, its readers and meeting planners for their outstanding work showcasing the city and scheduling meetings and big events.  

In 2022, the Sales Team won six awards from six different publications: Prevue Meetings+Incentives Magazine, Conference & Incentive Travel (C&IT), Meetings Today, Association & Conventions Facilities (AC&F) Magazine, Smart Meetings and ConventionSouth.  

The awards include: 

  • Prevue Visionary Award - The Visionary Awards are given annually to acknowledge the forward-thinking destinations, hotels/resorts, cruise lines and airlines in the meetings and incentives industry. 
  • C&IT Award of Excellence - Winners receiving this prestigious and coveted annual honor were selected by our meeting planner subscribers who voted by ballot for Convention & Visitors Bureaus that best served their corporate meeting needs. 
  • Meetings Today “Best Of” - New Orleans & Company was selected as one of the “Best DMO’s in the South” by the readers of Meetings Today.  
  • AC&F 15th Annual “Distinctive Achievement” Award – This prestigious award, voted on by the AC&F Magazine subscribers, is given to organizations who have best served their association event needs. 
  • Smart Stars 2022 - This planner’s choice award is based on the actual experiences of Smart Meetings magazine readers at venues and destinations around the world.
  • 2022 ConventionSouth Readers’ Choice Award – This award, selected by meeting planners for exhibiting excellence, creativity and professionalism in the meetings and conventions industry.      

Stephanie Turner, SVP of Convention Sales and Strategies at New Orleans & Company, said, “Meetings, conventions and business conferences are a critical part of our economy and employ many people in our community, but these events do not just show up. It is the result of decades of hard work, hitting the road, relationship-building and expertise of New Orleans & Company’s Convention Sales and Services team and our partners. We not only ensure that New Orleans is top of mind among our customers, but we take care of them from the moment they select our city as their destination, until their last attendee departs. We provide full-service sales, services, marketing and attendance-building at a time of intense competition from other cities and destination marketing organizations. So, it is a huge honor to be recognized by our customers for excellence.” 

“Meetings and conventions have powerful economic, cultural, and societal impact. It is through meetings and events that people come together, drive economic activity, and address society’s greatest challenges. The introduction, discussion and dissemination of new science, new technologies, and new products serve as catalysts to drive diverse commerce. Simply, it is through the meetings and conventions industry where innovation propels business forward globally,” said Walt Leger, III, President and CEO of New Orleans & Company. “The power of people sitting down face to face cannot be replicated in any other way. Travel knocks down barriers and is the enemy of bigotry and bias. When people come together, big things happen; and there is no place better for people to come together than New Orleans.” 

About New Orleans & Company 
New Orleans & Company is the tourism and hospitality industry’s official destination sales, marketing and trade organization, responsible for driving over $10 billion of diverse annual business to the regional cultural economy. We attract leisure and cultural travel, business meetings, conventions, weddings, festivals, sporting and special events to New Orleans in a highly competitive global environment. Founded in 1960, New Orleans & Company is committed to celebrating the richness of our culture while creating jobs, building careers, and enhancing the quality of life for every New Orleanian. For more information, visit or follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram @VisitNewOrleans. 
