Media Contact:
Sarah Chambless Federer
Gambel Communications
504-324-4242 I 985-373-5271
The Men and Women of Fashion and the Ballet Resource and Volunteer Organization (BRAVO)
The 45th annual Prix d'Elegance Luncheon, hosted by the Men and Women of Fashion and benefiting the Ballet Resource and Volunteer Organization (BRAVO), will pay tribute to 10 male and 10 female honorees who exemplify unique personal style as well as excellence through business, civic and charitable endeavors that specifically better the community in which they live. More than 600 people will gather to celebrate the extraordinary accomplishments of these 20 honorees chosen by the Men and Women of Fashion's Membership (all former honorees). Additionally, two former honorees - one man and one woman - will be inducted into the Hall of Fame for their continued contributions to the organization and to the community. The event, co-chaired by Melanie Cannatella and Cheryl Georgusis, will also feature a showing of spring fashions from Chatta Box Boutique and Jeff's Haberdashery, as well as a champagne reception, a three-course seated lunch, an exciting raffle, a silent auction, and a special performance by pre-professional students in NOBA's Education Programs.
Wednesday, April 5, 2017
10:30 -11:45 am - Champagne Reception
11:45 am - 2 pm - Luncheon, Fashion Show, and Recognition of Honorees
Hilton New Orleans Riverside Hotel
2 Poydras Street
New Orleans, LA 70130
Since 2004, BRAVO, which provides critical funds for the nationally award-winning dance education programs and scholarship funds of the New Orleans Ballet Association (NOBA), has been the beneficiary of the event's proceeds. With a growing enrollment of over 600 youth each semester and a high national profile - remarkable for a tuition-free, after-school program - NOBA and BRAVO are making a huge impact in the lives of local youth.
NOBA offers more than 5,500 tuition-free dance classes and activities annually, making it possible for any child to receive quality, professional instruction. Annually, scholarships are provided for talented youth to study at prestigious summer schools, such as American Ballet Theatre and The Ailey School. Other students study here in New Orleans with world-renowned artists who are brought in to teach intensive programs as part of the NORDC/NOBA Center for Dance, a 25-year partnership with the New Orleans Recreation Development Commission.
Tickets for the 45th annual Prix d'Elegance Luncheon are $100 (table of 10 for $1,000), which includes a champagne reception. For more information or to order tickets, contact NOBA at 504.522.0996 or