Media Contacts:
Roberta Grove or Maria Elena Smith
Office: 504-483-6330 /

WHO: The Royal Sonesta New Orleans presents the November Round Table Luncheon hosted by Margarita Darling Bergen.

WHAT: Featured speakers include Joy Bruce, Executive Director of CASA New Orleans, David Emond, Executive Director of Liberty's Kitchen, and Else Pederson Chief Executive Officer of Bridge House/Grace House. Guests will be entertained by the vocal talents of soprano Kathleen Halm, accompanied on piano by Timothy Todd Simmons.

WHEN: Wednesday November 19th
            12 Noon - 1:30 PM

WHERE: Evangeline Suite
            Royal Sonesta New Orleans
            300 Bourbon Street

HOW: Luncheon tickets are $50 with advance reservations or $55 at the door. Parking will be validated. For reservations, contact Noel Scallan at 504-553-2221 or email her at

*As a special treat, guests will have the opportunity to meet local artist Jason Mullan and purchase the Official 2014 Royal Teddy Bear Ornament. Your $25 donation supports Children's Hospital.*