Mission, Vision, Values & Strategic Goals

The culture at New Orleans & Company is framed by its vision, mission and values. The company's vision is the overarching strategic North Star to which all it's activities and tasks ultimately point while New Orleans & Company's mission succinctly describes the work we routinely carry out to achieve our vision (what we do, how we do it, and for whom). Lastly, New Orleans & Company's values are the standards and expectations that its employees hold themselves and their colleagues accountable to.


To inspire, promote, and encourage travel to our city for the economic, social, and community benefit of New Orleans and its people.



New Orleans is the most remarkable, unique, and welcoming city in the world. 


Couple on French Quarter Balcony

New Orleans

Our six core values represent the guiding principles, standards, and expectations that define how we conduct ourselves and interact with others. They serve as a foundation for accountability, ensuring that we hold ourselves and those around us to a consistent and meaningful standard of behavior.

New Orleans
Strategic Goals

The four strategic goals guiding each department's daily work are outlined below. For detailed plans on how these goals will be advanced in the coming year, view our marketing plan.

Justen Williams

Deliver the Most Innovative and Exceptional Sales and Service

Justen Williams, New Orleans & Co.

Make New Orleans a Great Place to Live, Work, and Visit

Justen Williams, New Orleans & Co.

Create and Own a Clear, World-Class Brand for New Orleans

Justen Williams

Restore International Travel Tourism