SmileCon® is the American Dental Association's annual meeting. This new kind of dental meeting is changing how dental professionals gather and is the only event that tells the full story of the profession today and in the future. SmileCon provides the dental community with meaningful opportunities to meet, play, learn, and smile with colleagues and contacts from across the United States. 

Bring your krewe and let the good times roll at SmileCon® 2024, October 17-19 in New Orleans, LA! Registration and housing opens Spring 2024.

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Get to Know NOLA


Something's always cooking in New Orleans! Here is a guide to the Crescent City's many…


Like our po-boys, our events calendar for the year is overstuffed. Here are events grouped by when they are happening and what type.

Trip Planning

Here you’ll find a comprehensive guide to NOLA neighborhoods (we call them faubourgs) with information on what makes each unlike the other or anyplace else for that matter.


As the birthplace of jazz and cocktails and the host of Mardi Gras, the best bars in New Orleans come alive at night. Click here to find the city's best evening attractions.