"Rebellious Spirits: Prohibition and Resistance in the South" explores the unique methods in which the South, in particular New Orleans, dealt with the passage of the 18th Amendment to the Constitution, which banned alcohol in the United States.
Read more about the exhibit here.
Photo Credit 1: E. A. Zatarain & Sons (New Orleans, Louisiana, founded 1886) Walle and Company, Limited, printers (New Orleans, Louisiana, founded 1872), “Delicious Zat-So” Root Beer advertisement, c. 1920–1930. Paper and cardboard. The Historic New Orleans Collection.
Photo Credit 2: Hobbs, Brockunier and Company (Wheeling, West Virginia, 1845–1891), “Hobnail” or “Dew Drop” Pitcher, c. 1890. Pressed uranium glass. New Orleans Museum of Art, 1996 Decorative Arts Discretionary Purchase Fund, 96.175
Enjoy 5,000 years of art in one day at the New Orleans Museum of Art, New Orleans' oldest fine arts institution, home to more than 40,000 works and the Sydney and Walda Besthoff Sculpture Garden.