Music composed by Adolphe Adam and original choreography by Jean Coralli and Jules Perrot, Giselle first premiered in France to immediate success on June 28th, 1841 with Carlotta Grisi in the title role. With it's beautiful music, graceful choreography, and heartfelt story, this romantic ballet has endured the test of time; 183 years later, Giselle continues to be one of the most well-known and loved classical ballets of all time. Adaptations of the original choreography have been passed down through the generations, with the restating by Marius Petipa in the 1880s for the Imperial Ballet in St. Petersburg being the most notable.
Three levels of seating available for 1460 or standing reception for 800. Private VIP boxes, six bars and a speakeasy lounge round out the audience experience. Offers state-of-the-art sound and lighting,...