YALA is pleased to announce the return of our YALA Baby ArtsPlay!™ workshops at The Helis Foundation John Scott Center. Series one, “Getting to Know You!” is designed for ages 6 months to four years old, though older children will also enjoy the series.
This series begins on Hallowe’en day October 31 so feel free to dress up yourself and the babies you bring along for an exciting opening of this series.There will be goodie bags for all.
The FREE workshops will take place on THURSDAY mornings at 11:30 AM from October 31 – December 12 (except November 28) and are presented by The Helis Foundation.
You must register at https://www.ya4la.org/events for each workshop or via the links below to participate.
October 31: https://www.ya4la.org/calendar/yala-baby-artsplay-10-31-24
November 7: https://www.ya4la.org/calendar/yala-baby-artsplay-11-07-24
November 14: https://www.ya4la.org/calendar/yala-baby-artsplay-11-14-24
November 21: https://www.ya4la.org/calendar/yala-baby-artsplay-11-21-24
December 5: https://www.ya4la.org/calendar/yala-baby-artsplay-12-05-24
December 12: https://www.ya4la.org/calendar/yala-baby-artsplay-12-12-24