AMCP 2024

New Orleans Welcomes the Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy!

AMCP 2024
April 15–18, 2024

AMCP 2024 is anticipated to attract more than 4,000 member and non-member managed care decision-makers to the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center in New Orleans, LA from April 15-18. Immerse yourself in 34 engaging education sessions, connect with like-minded professionals, forge valuable connections, and expand your horizons on the cutting edge Expo Hall floor. We look forward to seeing you at #AMCPAnnual!

Get to Know NOLA


Something's always cooking in New Orleans! Here is a guide to the Crescent City's many…


Like our po-boys, our events calendar for the year is overstuffed. Here are events grouped by when they are happening and what type.

Trip Planning

Here you’ll find a comprehensive guide to NOLA neighborhoods (we call them faubourgs) with information on what makes each unlike the other or anyplace else for that matter.


As the birthplace of jazz and cocktails and the host of Mardi Gras, the best bars in New Orleans come alive at night. Click here to find the city's best evening attractions.